Award Winning Children’s Books: Just because it has won an award does not mean it is appropriate or approved.

Not all award winning books are bad, but not all are good either.  At FaithLit each book is read and screened before it is sent to our book club members. Regardless of the year it was created, the publisher or if it has won awards. 

When I started FaithLit I did not know how daunting of a task this would be.  I had assumed that there weren’t that many book with inappropriate content that were targeted towards children.

There are millions of books to choose from, how hard could it be?

It turns out, much harder than I could’ve imagined.

Each book chosen is screened for:

1. Sexually Explicit Content

2. Anti-Nuclear FamilyContent

3. Witchcraft & Sorcery 

4. Gender Confusion

In simple terms the books chosen should align with a biblical worldview even if it does not actually mention anything about God. Although books that do are a plus in my eyes.

One of the resources that I had hoped would give me an easy automatically approval list are award winning books.

There are Caldecott Winners, Newberry Winners, Hugo Awards and even State to State award lists.

Don’t make the same mistake I did and assume these are good books your child can automatically read without looking over the content first.  Books are now being awarded even if they will have nudity, sexualized content, or are encouraging children to believe God put them in the wrong body.

These award winning books we are referring to are targeted for children 10 & younger. Many are disguised and do not make it obvious unless you thoroughly read each book.

That takes a lot of work, it can be exhausting and frustrating, especially when you get to the last page of a 35 page book only to discover two men kissing in a book geared for children aged 4 or nudity in a graphic novel for 8 year old's.

I highly encourage you to utilize as many resources as you can to help you select books for your child that are appropriate for you and your family.

Let FaithLit be one of those resources.  Along with sending hand selected books our book club members  we also post books on our social media pages, we have thrifted books on our Adopt-A-Book page and we will be rolling 

Join our FaithLit book club here.

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